Thyrsis Episode 1

It is a story of Abyhan and his Thyrsis ( his beloved one, his great teacher and best friend ) and all the losses of his life including the loss of his Thyrsis. Thyrsis is a book of Abhyan, Zimal, and their orchid fairies that has been closed without turning the next page and now looking for someone to come and to rescue their story. It is a story of a long term wait.

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Meet The Author


Thyrsis written by Sofia Eman.

It is a story of Abyhan and his Thyrsis ( his beloved one, his great teacher and best friend ) and all the losses of his life including the loss of his Thyrsis. Thyrsis is a book of Abhyan, Zimal, and their orchid fairies that has been closed without turning the next page and now looking for someone to come and to rescue their story. It is a story of a long term wait.

Sofia Eman is a new emerging writer of Urdu Adab. She is a Social Media writer and now her Novels are being written with Novels Hub. This is a new platform for new or well known Urdu writers to show their abilities in different genres of Urdu Adab.

All rights of this novel has reserved with Novels Hub.


Novels Hub


5 reviews for Thyrsis Episode 1

  1. Ghazal

    Exited to read

  2. Ghazal

    Exited to read this

    • Sofia eman

      enjoy guyz

  3. Fawad tabussem

    Good &Great

  4. Fawad tabussem

    Good story

  5. Afira fatina


    • Sofia eman


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